"original" "creative" "smart" "artistic"
The google search "original" "creative" "smart" "artistic" will bring you to this site in short order, I just learned. These search engines--it's incredible how intuitive they are!
The google search "original" "creative" "smart" "artistic" will bring you to this site in short order, I just learned. These search engines--it's incredible how intuitive they are!
Posted by
Zachariah Wells
7:31 PM
In that case, I should be even more depressed than I was before about the large number of visitors who come to my blog looking for information about Rebecca Eckler's new book.
well, if it didn't before, it will now...
someone shoudl sue google
The last Google search that brought someone to my site contained the words "Tom Waits overrated." Blasphemy!
I would be remiss if I didn't admit that a disturbing number of hits come from google searches for "anal moves."
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